achieve higher marks that will keep on climbing
spend less time on future essays
write with more confidence and ease
graduate with your dream grades.
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BETTER ESSAY FRAMEWORK TRAINING: bitesize videos, audios and resources to learn, step-by-step how to plan, write and edit your highest grade essay yet. The first and last essay training you'll ever need.
LIFETIME ACCESS TO ALL TRAINING MATERIALS to learn at your own pace and uplevel your skills whenever you want for future academic writing.
PERSONALISED REVIEW OF AN ESSAY PLAN (to be used by Dec '24) so you can move forward with confidence knowing that your essay will align with your question and guidance.
PERSONALISED REVIEW OF A FULL DRAFT ESSAY (to be used by Dec '24) to check your ideas against your guidance and polish your writing so you nab those high marks.
ACCESS TO RECORDING OF PREVIOUS LIVE WORKSHOP AND INVITATION TO THE NEXT (November '24): 1) Essay Writing 101: the essay secrets your uni isn't teaching you; 2) build the mindset and habits of a confident, proactive essay writer; 3) complete an autopsy on a previous essay to pinpoint the exact *simple* tweaks to improve your essays and grades forever.
BETTER ESSAYS WORKBOOK to guide you through your whole essay. Breaking down the question, studying the relevant material, mapping out your answers, writing and editing.
BETTER ESSAYS GUIDE: SENTENCE STARTERS with over 330 prompts to help you structure your essay points so they're clear, persuasive and worth of high marks.
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